Monday, December 22, 2008


We went out to dinner after graduation... Thanks for all your support!

Funny story... My Aunt and Uncle gave us a card and then my Grandparents gave us a card and they were the same card! Therefore we ended up with 4 of the same was so funny.

I graduated from UAB with my B.S. in Early Childhood and Elementary Education! My sister also graduated.

Sadie Baby, Sadie Girl

Sadie is the newest edition to our family. She is a boxer and about 12 weeks old! Chris was wanting a dog and some guy was saling boxers outside of Regions bank. Well he wanted to give this one away because she was the runt and he thought that no one would buy her... I would have paid money for her. She is the sweetest dog ever. She loves to cuddle and sleeps a lot. She is teaching me a lot before this baby comes too.
P.S. Allison Sorry it took so long to get on this thing but I am back!