Tuesday, March 31, 2009

32 week scare!

I went to the doctor yesterday for my routine check up. Everything was going fine, Braxton has a beautiful heartbeat. But then she measured me to see how he was growing. When she measured me I measured for 27 weeks. I have always been smaller than what I am suppose to be but 2 weeks ago I measure 28 weeks. I was a little scared. The doctor told me that I was going to have an ultrasound to make sure he is growing alright. Well I thought I was going to have the ultrasound right away but that did not happen because they go to linch from 12 to 1 and it just happened to be 12:05! So I had to wait an hour. It was the longest hour of my life. But it gave my mom time to get to the hospital and be with me if there was anything wrong. We told Chris to stay at work because we can not afford to loose his job. But I went into the ultrasound and everything was fine! He is 4lb and 5oz! It was great to see him again too. He is very active and has a sweet looking face from what I can see. I wish I could have recorded the ultrasound, but in case something was wrong we did not. But Braxton is a big, healthy boy and I can not wait to have him in my arms. When Chris gets home with the ultrasound pictures I will scan them in and put them on here!