Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The First Post

I am ending a chapter of my life, the college chapter! As I look back and remember the good times that I had it makes me sad. But as I look forward to the times that are to come I am excited. College is full of new experiences and I have experienced. Through my college years I have learned a lot about myself and it has made me who I am today!

As of right now this is what is going on...

I am an orientation leader. It is great to see the incoming students and see how excited they are about coming into college. I work with an awesome team and know that they are all there for me. We have all shared our life experiences with each other. There are many ways in which we are alike but we all share our different qualities and build off of each other.

This guy that I call my boyfriend, he is absolutely amazing and I could not ask for anything better. We have been together for about 2 months, even though it seems longer!

As of this past weekend I now live at the lake. I have not really got to enjoy it since we have been moving and getting everything settled in but I know that I am going to love it. The lake is my favorite place to be. The lake means family, friends, food, but most of all laughing and good times.
I am excited for what is to come...

1 comment:

The Solomons said...

Welcome aboard fellow-blogger!