Tuesday, August 12, 2008


What happened to the Golden Rule? What happened to if you can not say anything nice do not say anything at all? What happened to people being polite and respectful? What happened to the word nice?

It seems as if people have forgotten the word nice. Well, in case you forgot the word nice means virtuous, respectable, and decorous. Maybe you should try it.

There are a couple of reasons why I am writing about the word nice. The other day my family and I headed up to Oxford to do a little shopping. I noticed that people were a lot nicer up there. I believe it is because life up there is more laid back and they are not always in a hurry to get somewhere. The city can be very stressful and make people mean. The next thing that brought this to my attention was when I was at the hospital. Chris got hurt and he had to go to the emergency room, so I met him there. He could barely walk and hold himself up so we got him a wheel chair so it would be easier on him. While we were sitting in the waiting room a nurse came up to him and asked if she could get the wheel chair from him. I looked at her and said he can barley move and hold himself up, so no. Then she went to another lady that was in a wheel chair about to pass out and asked her for her wheel chair. I know that there is not only 2 wheel chairs in the hospital. Come to find out all she had to do was walk through the sliding glass doors to get a wheel chair. The last thing that brought this to my attention is when I opened my blog today. In the last post that I wrote, I wrote about the word PERFECT. Well I noticed there was a comment made on it so I looked at it. When I looked at it I did not recognize the name, and I still have no idea who the person is. But what he wrote is very rude. This is where the if you have nothing nice to say do not say anything at all. Obviously he was not taught that as a child. This guy does not know a thing about me except what he can read on here so he has no right to be rude.

The point is I think people need to learn the word nice again and put it into practice. I promise it is not a bad thing to be nice. Actually, I think being nice can take you a lot further in life. It is also a lot more rewarding than anything else! Just think about it.

1 comment:

Randi said...

I read his comment and I think it's stupid. I guess he didn't read the post about the wreck and realize that you had been having a bad week with cars. Whatever. I agree that generally speaking people in smaller cities/towns are nicer. That's what I have experienced anyway. :)