This is the first picture that was taken of our beautiful baby... October 27! You can't really tell much about him here! He was 10 weeks and 2 days! An amazing 4 cm big!

This is the day we found out he was a BOY and boy can you tell! He was 18 weeks old and weighed 9 oz! I thought he was big then...

He is now 32 weeks old. He is growing just fine, although we were a little scared. He is now 4 lbs and 5 oz.

Now just a little bit longer to go... I am a little scared. I told my mom I was scared and she said he comes with instructions, they are called natural instincts. I hope that she is right.
1 comment:
Meg! Congrats on the soon to be baby Braxton. I'm so excited for you and glad he's healthy. We had the same scar when I was about 32 wks, Deegan was already kinda small but I went down 2 cm. The following weeks he started to slow down in his growth more than normal, and so I had to go in for fetal monitoring twice a week and they pretty much put me on bed rest... I was allowed to be up once in a while but the doc said to really take it easy and eat all I could to help bulk him up. It turned out to be a thing called intrauterine growth restriction which means your uterus isn't growing like it should be. But all was well, he came out 6lb8oz, so not big but healthy! Hopefully all goes well for you too!
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