Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So there is this word... Perfect... who ever came up with this word is crazy. There is no such thing as perfect. In life there is always something to worry about, something to wonder about, and something that could be different.

I write about this because I thought that I had the perfect car. Do NOT get me wrong I really like my car. But I was driving home last night and all the sudden I saw something coming towards my car. I could not swerve out of the way because there was a car next to me. There was a semi truck, a truck, and then me. The truck blew a tire and it went under the truck and hit my car. Since my car is lower to the ground it messed up my car a little bit. It hit the bumper and went underneath my car. When it went under my car it made a plastic piece come loose. Who knows how much that is going to cost? But my dad fixed it up and made it look like there is nothing wrong. He is the greatest and I am very thankful for him.

But this is why I say nothing is perfect and that we always have something to think about!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The NEW Car

Here is my new car! I absolutely love it! I think that it is better than my last car. It is a lot cleaner and it drives a lot smoother.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The other side...

Here are some pictures of the other car, the car that hit me!

My mom and I went to pick up the police report the other day and found out some interesting information... We now know that the guy that was driving the other car has an expired license plate and a suspended driver's license. We are still not sure if he has insurance. What I wonder is how he owns 2 houses, has 3 cars, has a boat, and jet skis but does not have the other stuff?
The guy was really a nice guy, but for some reason he scared me and my little sister. If you have ever seen the movie Green Mile, he reminds me of the guy who kills the little girls in the movie. I have had nightmares about this guy and it scares me to think about him.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

3 hours for 3 minutes

I had to go back to the hospital on Sunday night because I got really sick. We arrived at the hospital at 245am and did not get to see a doctor until 620am. When the doctor did finally come in she talked to us for 3 minutes and then the nurses did the rest of the work. The doctor was very rude and disrespectful... I will never go to that hospital again. St. Vincents in Birmingham is the only hospital that I will go to from now on.

Also, what good are doctors... they do not really do any work they just get paid more. The nurses are the ones that do all the work and actually work with the patients. I have no respect for doctors and I think they are lazy people. I am sorry if this offends any one but I believe that it is the truth.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Well, it was a great weekend until July 5 at 10:58! This is when I was taking a left turn out of my neighborhood and got T-boned! This is what my car looks like now...

Thank God Whitney and I are ok, but I do not think that I will ever drive this car again. Whitney has a bruised arm and I have a bruised chest and bad pains. It could have been a lot worse. I remember talking to Whitney about getting my oil changed and how I was just going to have to go get it done since Dad has been so busy. I stopped looked before I pulled out onto the busy road. As I was pulling out again I looked again and saw a car at the top of the hill. I don't remember saying this but I told Whitney "Oh ----, hold on" and pushed the gas. The next thing I knew we were getting out of the car because we thought it was smoking, but I looked back and it was just the airbag.
R.I.P. BMW (aka Harry my baby)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

What's more important?

Over the past couple of days there have been somethings brought to my attention that I have really thought about. There are things in life that people consider important, but to another person it could mean nothing at all.

When thinking about the man that I want to marry, all I want to know is that he is going to love me for the rest of forever and that he will do all that he can to help me when I need it. I know that everyone has a past and that we all have regrets. I believe that if you really love someone you look past the bad things and look at the good things. If someone needs help then help them otherwise just let it go! Love is a powerful feeling and should overcome any obstacle.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"I need to talk to you about something..."

I absolutely hate when some one tells me these words. Recently I was told these words. It kept me from sleeping and I had a whole day to worry about what it was that needed to be talked about. I prepared myself for the worst thing that I could imagine but what it was I would have never thought. I love the feeling afterward because you think about all the possibilities and then it is something that is not as bad as you thought.
But people should really think about saying those words to a person unless they are actually ready to talk to them right then and there. It is not worth having someone worry and stress over just talk to the person when the right time comes around.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The First Post

I am ending a chapter of my life, the college chapter! As I look back and remember the good times that I had it makes me sad. But as I look forward to the times that are to come I am excited. College is full of new experiences and I have experienced. Through my college years I have learned a lot about myself and it has made me who I am today!

As of right now this is what is going on...

I am an orientation leader. It is great to see the incoming students and see how excited they are about coming into college. I work with an awesome team and know that they are all there for me. We have all shared our life experiences with each other. There are many ways in which we are alike but we all share our different qualities and build off of each other.

This guy that I call my boyfriend, he is absolutely amazing and I could not ask for anything better. We have been together for about 2 months, even though it seems longer!

As of this past weekend I now live at the lake. I have not really got to enjoy it since we have been moving and getting everything settled in but I know that I am going to love it. The lake is my favorite place to be. The lake means family, friends, food, but most of all laughing and good times.
I am excited for what is to come...